Tips to Choosing a Dog for a Young Family

Many young families look forward to the time they can bring a puppy into the home that will grow alongside the kids. A family dog is a great addition to most homes where the family is ready and willing to be responsible for it. No matter the pressure parents may be under from kids eager to have a pet in the household it is best to put considerable thought into the best dog breed to bring into the home. You will need to consider various factors that will all together guide you to the most suitable breed based on your circumstances.

  • Age

In many cases it is often a kindness to be able to adopt a dog from a shelter, but in many instances these animals tend to be older, have unknown histories and questionable habits. When you have young children in the home, it is recommended that you go for a puppy from a reputable breeder. Organizations like are very useful in helping dog lovers find all manner of pure and designer breeds of dogs from reputable breeders. When you visit the website you will get a detailed background into all the animals currently available, including some pictures and video. Investing in a young animal also ensures they will live longer to grow alongside your kids.

  • Trainability

Another benefit to young puppies is that you have more choice of suitable breeds to pick from. This is because all breeds are easiest to train when they are very young. Older dogs can be trained to form better habits, but it can take a lot of effort and time to see positive results. That said there are certain breeds that are more trainable than others, such as Golden Retrievers and German Shepherds. These breeds are very eager to please and will very happily take direction from their masters. They are also very popular family dogs because of the loyalty they have towards family members they are raised alongside.

  • Grooming

In a busy household with young children and other obligations it is only natural that the family will want a pet that requires minimal grooming. Grooming of dogs is important not only for purposes of appearance, but also the general health of the dog.  Breeds that possess dirt repellent coats facilitated by an undercoat that produces oil include Dalmatians, basset hounds and golden retrievers. Their coats also dry quickly meaning chances are if they jump in a pond in the park, by the time you get home they will be all dry. Some other breeds like greyhounds and beagles are also relatively easy to care for as their coats have short hairs that are easy to brush.

  • Temperament

When you have young children, you need a breed of dog that will be just as playful and not react negatively to behavior such as pulling and even climbing on top. Some dog breeds like the Chihuahua can react very sharply to mishandling and bite instinctively. This is why dogs like Labrador and Golden retrievers are so popular. They tend to be calmer and are of a larger size not to be bothered much when being pushed and pulled by younger children.

  • Exercise

When you have a dog it is not only a great way to teach your child about responsibility, he or she can also help keep your family healthy. Choosing an energetic breed requires that you regularly take the dog out for lengthy walks or even runs. This obligation is one dog lovers know to fulfill and can be of great benefit as the whole family goes out or takes turns to meet it. Young children also greatly love an animal that will be willing to run around catching the ball or chasing them for fun. Great medium to large breeds that fit this requirement include Border Collies, Rottweilers and Dalmatians.

  • Living arrangements

You also need to factor in your family’s living arrangements. Many families live in apartments and as such require dogs that can remain quiet to avoid problems with neighbors. In many instances medium sized breeds of calm temperament are best suited for this style of living than miniature breeds. When you however have larger detached accommodation, you are freer in your choice of breed.

Chances are when you are picking a puppy for the family you already have a few breeds in mind. All you need to do is research the traits of the particular animals and find the one that best suits your family. Remember to always seek your puppy from reputable breeders as are listed on